simulate solar radiation pressure in matlab

To simulate solar radiation pressure in MATLAB, we need to use the principles of astrodynamics and physics to compute the forces acting on a spacecraft due to solar radiation. The solar radiation pressure is caused by the momentum transfer from photons in the solar radiation field to the spacecraft, resulting in a force.

Here is some example MATLAB code to simulate solar radiation pressure on a spacecraft:

% Define parameters
c = 299792458; % Speed of light (m/s)
AU = 149597870700; % Astronomical Unit (m)
m = 1000; % Spacecraft mass (kg)
A = 10; % Spacecraft surface area in the direction normal to the sun (m^2)
Cr = 1.2; % Coefficient of reflectivity (dimensionless)
P = 1367; % Solar Constant (W/m^2)

% Define time range
t0 = 0; % Start time (s)
tf = 86400*365; % End time (s)
dt = 60*60; % Time step (s)
tspan = t0:dt:tf;

% Define initial state
r0 = [AU; 0; 0]; % Initial position (m)
v0 = [0; 29780; 0]; % Initial velocity (m/s)
x0 = [r0; v0];

% Define ODE function
f = @(t,x) [x(4:6); -P*A*Cr*x(4:6)/c/m];

% Solve ODE
[t,x] = ode45(f, tspan, x0);

% Plot results
hold on
plot3(x(:,1), x(:,2), x(:,3))
quiver3(x(:,1), x(:,2), x(:,3), x(:,4), x(:,5), x(:,6), 'color', 'r')
xlabel('x (m)')
ylabel('y (m)')
zlabel('z (m)')
title('Solar Radiation Pressure Simulation')
hold off
886 chars
36 lines

This code solves the Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) using MATLAB's built-in ode45 function. The ODE function f calculates the acceleration of the spacecraft due to solar radiation pressure using the given parameters.

The simulation results show the trajectory of the spacecraft as it is affected by solar radiation pressure. The red arrows represent the magnitude and direction of the solar radiation pressure force acting on the spacecraft at each point in time.

gistlibby LogSnag