rename files in matlab

Matlab provides the movefile function that can be used to rename one or more files. To rename a single file in Matlab, you can simply provide the old file name and the new file name as input arguments to the movefile function:

oldName = 'oldFileName.txt';
newName = 'newFileName.txt';
movefile(oldName, newName)
85 chars
4 lines

To rename multiple files in a batch, you can use loops and regular expressions. For example, the following code renames all files in the current directory with the extension .jpg:

% Get a list of all .jpg files in the current directory
files = dir('*.jpg');

% Loop through each file and rename it
for i = 1:numel(files)
    oldName = files(i).name;
    newName = regexprep(oldName, '\.jpg$', '_new.jpg');
    movefile(oldName, newName);
262 chars
10 lines

This code uses the dir function to get a list of all .jpg files in the current directory. Then, it loops through each file and uses regexprep to replace the .jpg extension with _new.jpg. Finally, it calls movefile to rename the file.

gistlibby LogSnag