an array of even numbers between 1 and endvalue from smallest number to largest number in matlab

To create an array of even numbers between 1 and endvalue in Matlab, you can use the colon operator startvalue:endvalue to generate a sequence of numbers. Then, you can use indexing and logical indexing to extract the even numbers from the sequence.

Here's an example code that demonstrates this:

endvalue = 10;
sequence = 1:endvalue;
even_numbers = sequence(mod(sequence, 2) == 0);
86 chars
4 lines

In this code, sequence is the sequence of numbers from 1 to endvalue. mod(sequence, 2) == 0 returns a logical array where true represents even numbers and false represents odd numbers. By indexing sequence with this logical array, we extract only the even numbers.

To sort the resulting array from smallest to largest, you can use the sort function in Matlab:

sorted_even_numbers = sort(even_numbers);
42 chars
2 lines

Now, sorted_even_numbers contains the even numbers between 1 and endvalue sorted from smallest to largest.

Please note that endvalue in this example is set to 10, but you can replace it with any desired value.

Hope this helps!

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