for a folder of pdfs find the doi and look up the websites in matlab

To find the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of a PDF file and look up the associated websites in MATLAB, you can use the following steps:

  1. Read the PDF files in the folder:
folder = 'path/to/folder'; % Update with the actual path to the folder
pdfFiles = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.pdf'));

for i = 1:numel(pdfFiles)
    pdfPath = fullfile(folder, pdfFiles(i).name);
    % Read the PDF file using your preferred method (e.g., 'pdf2image' or 'pdfRead')
    % Process each page if needed
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  1. Extract text from each page of the PDF:
% Use suitable function/library to extract text from the PDF pages
textPages = extractTextFromPDF(pdfPath); % Replace with actual function/library call
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  1. Search for DOI patterns in the extracted text:
dois = cell(numel(textPages), 1);
for page = 1:numel(textPages)
    % Use regular expressions to search for DOI patterns in the text
    doiPattern = '(10\.\d{4,}(?:\.\d+)*\/\S+)';
    dois{page} = regexp(textPages{page}, doiPattern, 'match');
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  1. Look up the associated websites using the DOIs:
websites = cell(numel(dois), 1);
for i = 1:numel(dois)
    if ~isempty(dois{i}) % If DOI is found
        doi = dois{i}{1};
        % Use a suitable method (e.g., web scraping or using APIs) to look up the website using the DOI
        website = lookUpWebsite(doi); % Replace with actual method to look up the website
        websites{i} = website;
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Note: The actual implementation of the PDF reading, text extraction, and website lookup steps will depend on the specific libraries or functions you choose to use in MATLAB. There are multiple options available, such as PDFBox, PDFium, pdftotext, etc. Similarly, the website lookup might require web scraping or accessing specific APIs depending on the website/database you plan to use.

Remember to adapt the code to your specific requirements and handle any error cases that may arise during the process.

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