function to list inputs port names of a simulink model in matlab

To list the input ports of a Simulink model in MATLAB, you can use the get_param function along with the PortConnectivity parameter. Here is an example code snippet:

model_name = 'my_simulink_model'; % replace with your model name
inports = get_param(model_name, 'PortConnectivity');
num_inputs = length(inports);
for i=1:num_inputs
    input_name = inports(i).SrcBlock;
    disp(['Input port ', num2str(i), ': ', input_name]);
266 chars
8 lines

In this example, the get_param function retrieves the connectivity information for all ports in the model model_name. The for loop then loops through each input port and outputs its name using disp. You can modify this code snippet to suit your specific needs.

gistlibby LogSnag