find index of largest element in array in matlab

To find the index of the largest element in an array in MATLAB, you can use the find function along with the max function. The max function returns the maximum value in the array, and the find function returns the index or indices of the elements that satisfy a certain condition.

Here's an example code that uses this approach:

array = [3 7 1 10 2];
[~, index] = max(array); % The tilde (~) symbol is used to ignore the actual maximum value returned by max()
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In the above code, max(array) returns the maximum value 10 in the array array. The ~ (tilde) symbol is used to ignore this value, as we are interested only in the index of the maximum element.

The max function also returns the index of its output, so we could also use the following code to achieve the same result:

array = [3 7 1 10 2];
[~, index] = max(array(:));
50 chars
3 lines

Here max(array(:)) returns the maximum value 10 and its index 4 in the flattened version of the array.

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