plot a magnetic field around a 10 turns coil with 1 ampere current flowing in matlab

% Constants
I = 1; % Current in Amperes
N = 10; % Number of turns
mu = 4*pi*1e-7; % Permeability of free space

% Create meshgrid for x and y coordinates
[x, y] = meshgrid(-5:0.1:5); % Adjust the range as needed

% Calculate magnetic field components (Bx and By) for a loop coil 
Bx = zeros(size(x));
By = zeros(size(y));
for n = 1:N
    r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2 + (2*n)^2);
    dBx = (mu/(4*pi)) * (2*pi*a^2*I/(r.^3)) * y;
    DBy = (mu/(4*pi)) * (2*pi*a^2*I/(r.^3)) * -x;
    Bx = Bx + dBx;
    By = By + DBy;

% Plot the magnetic field vectors
quiver(x, y, Bx, By);
title('Magnetic Field around a 10-turn Coil with 1 Ampere Current Flowing');
axis equal;
grid on;
698 chars
28 lines

This code will simulate and plot the magnetic field vectors around a 10-turn coil with 1 Ampere current flowing in MATLAB. The plot will show the direction and strength of the magnetic field at various points around the coil.

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