inverse kinematic to newton method in matlab

Here's a general code template for solving inverse kinematics using Newton's method in MATLAB:

function [q, converged] = inverseKinematicsNewton(robot, T_des, q0, tol, max_iterations)

% robot: the robot object
% T_des: the desired end-effector pose (4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix)
% q0: initial guess for the joint angles (1xN vector)
% tol: tolerance for convergence
% max_iterations: maximum number of iterations

% precalculate robot Jacobian at initial guess
J = robot.jacob0(q0);

converged = false;
q = q0;
iteration = 0;

while ~converged && iteration < max_iterations
    % calculate error between current end-effector pose and desired pose
    T_cur = robot.fkine(q);
    delta_T = se3_log(se3_inv(T_cur)*T_des);
    error = se3_vec(delta_T);
    % check if error is within tolerance
    if norm(error) < tol
        converged = true;        
    % calculate change in joint angles
    delta_q = pinv(J)*error; % using pseudo-inverse to handle singularities
    % update joint angles
    q = q + delta_q';
    % recalculate robot Jacobian with updated joint angles
    J = robot.jacob0(q);
    % increment iteration counter
    iteration = iteration + 1;
1138 chars
41 lines

Note that this code assumes the use of the Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB, which provides functions for calculating forward kinematics, Jacobians, and other common robotics operations.

gistlibby LogSnag