create a game of blackjack with betting and promopts in matlab

To create a game of blackjack with betting and prompts in MATLAB, we can follow the steps below:

  1. Set up the basic game interface and rules using the command window:
clear all

fprintf('Welcome to the game of Blackjack!\n\n')
fprintf('The goal is to draw cards and get as close to 21 as possible without going over. \n')
fprintf('You will start with $100 and can bet any amount you want each round. \n')
fprintf('If you beat the dealer, you win double your bet. If you lose, you lose your bet. \n')
fprintf('If you tie, you push and get your bet back. \n')
fprintf('Face cards are worth 10, Aces are worth 1 or 11, and all other cards are worth their numeric value.\n')

% set up the deck
card = 1:52;
card = mod(card-1, 13)+1;
card(card>10) = 10;
deck = repmat(card, 4, 1);

money = 100;
627 chars
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  1. Create a function to calculate the value of the player's hand:
function value = hand_value(hand)
% find the number of aces
num_aces = sum(hand == 1);

% calculate the value of the hand
value = sum(hand(hand ~= 1)) + num_aces;

% adjust for aces
if num_aces > 0
    for i = 1:num_aces
        if value + 10 <= 21
            value = value + 10;
309 chars
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  1. Create a function to deal cards to the player and dealer:
function [player_hand, dealer_hand, deck] = deal_cards(deck)
% deal player cards
player_hand = deck(randi(length(deck), 1, 2));
deck(ismember(deck, player_hand)) = [];

% deal dealer cards
dealer_hand = deck(randi(length(deck), 1, 2));
deck(ismember(deck, dealer_hand)) = [];

% return the updated deck
307 chars
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  1. Create a function for the player's turn, allowing them to hit or stand:
function [player_hand, deck] = player_turn(player_hand, deck)
fprintf('Your current hand is: \n')

% prompt for hit or stand
hit = input('Would you like to hit or stand? (h/s): ', 's');
while strcmpi(hit, 'h')
    % add another card to the player's hand
    new_card = deck(randi(length(deck)));
    player_hand(end+1) = new_card;
    deck(deck == new_card) = [];
    % check if the player busts
    if hand_value(player_hand) > 21
        disp('Bust! You lose this round!')
    % display updated hand and prompt again
    fprintf('Your current hand is: \n')
    hit = input('Would you like to hit or stand? (h/s): ', 's');
705 chars
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  1. Create a function for the dealer's turn, allowing them to hit or stand:
function dealer_hand = dealer_turn(dealer_hand, deck)
% dealer hits until they reach 17 or higher
while hand_value(dealer_hand) < 17
    new_card = deck(randi(length(deck)));
    dealer_hand(end+1) = new_card;
    deck(deck == new_card) = [];
251 chars
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  1. Put everything together in the main game loop, allowing the player to bet each round:
while money > 0
    % prompt for the player's bet
    bet = input(sprintf('You have $%d. What would you like to bet? ', money));
    % deal the cards
    [player_hand, dealer_hand, deck] = deal_cards(deck);
    % give the player their turn
    [player_hand, deck] = player_turn(player_hand, deck);
    % if the player busts, they lose their bet
    if hand_value(player_hand) > 21
        money = money - bet;
        fprintf('You lost $%d. Your new balance is $%d.\n', bet, money);
    % give the dealer their turn
    dealer_hand = dealer_turn(dealer_hand, deck);
    % determine the winner
    player_value = hand_value(player_hand);
    dealer_value = hand_value(dealer_hand);
    if dealer_value > 21
        money = money + bet;
        fprintf('You won $%d! Your new balance is $%d.\n', bet, money);
    elseif player_value > dealer_value
        money = money + bet;
        fprintf('You won $%d! Your new balance is $%d.\n', bet, money);
    elseif player_value < dealer_value
        money = money - bet;
        fprintf('You lost $%d. Your new balance is $%d.\n', bet, money);
        fprintf('Push! Your new balance is $%d.\n', money);
    % check if the player is out of money
    if money <= 0
        fprintf('Game over! You are out of money.\n')
    % prompt for another round
    play_again = input('Would you like to play another round? (y/n): ', 's');
    if ~strcmpi(play_again, 'y')
1529 chars
49 lines

This is just one example of how to create a game of blackjack with betting and prompts in MATLAB. There are many ways to approach a problem like this, and we can always add more features and functionalities as desired.

gistlibby LogSnag