regular expression to fin c++ comments in matlab

In MATLAB, you can use the regexpi() function along with the regular expression pattern to detect C++ comments. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use regex to find C++ comments in a MATLAB script:

% Sample MATLAB code to detect C++ comments
clc; clear all; close all;

% Load the sample C++ code as a string
cplus_code = fileread('sample.cpp');

% Define the regular expression pattern for detecting C++ comments
cplus_comment_regex = '//.*|/\*[\s\S]*?\*/';

% Detect all the C++ comments in the code using the regex pattern
cplus_comments = regexpi(cplus_code, cplus_comment_regex, 'match');

% Display the comments found in the C++ code
467 chars
15 lines

In the above code, you first load the sample C++ code into a string variable named cplus_code. Then, you define the regular expression pattern for detecting C++ comments in the cplus_comment_regex variable.

The regular expression pattern used in this code is as follows:

20 chars
2 lines

This pattern matches two types of C++ comments: single-line comments (//) and multi-line comments (/* ... */).

Finally, you use the MATLAB regexpi() function to detect all the C++ comments in the cplus_code variable using the defined regular expression pattern. The regexpi() function returns all the matched comments as a cell array of strings, which you can display by using the display() function.

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