write a code using ode45 for 50 time periods in matlab

Here is an example code using ode45 for 50 time periods in MATLAB:

% define function handle of ODEs (example function here)
fun = @(t,y) [-2*y(1) + y(2)^2; -y(1) - y(2)];

% define time span (50 time periods)
tspan = [0, 50];

% define initial conditions
y0 = [1; 0];

% solve the ODE system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(fun, tspan, y0);

% plot the results
plot(t, y(:, 1), '-o', t, y(:, 2), '-x');
legend('y_1', 'y_2');
387 chars
18 lines

Make sure to replace the example ODE function with your own function. The tspan variable should define the start and end times for the simulation. The y0 variable should define the initial conditions for the ODE system. The ode45 function solves the ODE system and returns the time vector t and the solution matrix y. Finally, you can plot the results using the plot function.

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