creating an interactive puzzle in matlab

One way to create an interactive puzzle in MATLAB is to use GUI programming. Here are some steps to create a sliding-tile puzzle:

  1. Create a 4x4 grid of axes objects in your GUI window using the axes function.
  2. Load an image of a sliced-up puzzle using the imread function and divide it into 16 tiles.
  3. Assign each tile of the puzzle to a corresponding axes object using the imshow function.
  4. Define a callback function that takes in the index of the clicked puzzle tile.
  5. In the callback function, check if the clicked tile is adjacent to the empty tile. If it is, swap the clicked tile with the empty tile.
  6. Update the puzzle grid by reassigning the new positions of each tile to their corresponding axes objects using the imshow function.

Here is some sample MATLAB code to illustrate this process:

% Create a 4x4 grid of axes objects
for i = 1:4
    for j = 1:4
        ax(i,j) = axes('Units','normalized','Position',[(i-1)/4 (j-1)/4 1/4 1/4]);

% Load puzzle image and divide into tiles
img = imread('puzzle.png');
tile_size = size(img) / 4;
for i = 1:4
    for j = 1:4
        tiles{i,j} = img((i-1)*tile_size(1)+1:i*tile_size(1), (j-1)*tile_size(2)+1:j*tile_size(2), :);

% Assign tiles to axes objects
for i = 1:4
    for j = 1:4
        imshow(tiles{i,j}, 'Parent', ax(i,j));

% Define callback function
function tile_clicked(src, event, idx)
    % TODO: implement tile_clicked function
634 chars
28 lines

Note that the tile_clicked function is left as an exercise for the reader, as it involves some non-trivial puzzle logic. But the basic idea is to check if the clicked tile is adjacent to the empty tile (which you can keep track of via a global variable or some other means), and if so, update the grid accordingly.

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