fatten lines of image in matlab

To fatten lines in an image in MATLAB, we can use morphological dilation. This operation expands or thickens the foreground of an image, while preserving its overall shape.

Here is an example code to fatten lines in a binary image using dilation:

% read the binary image
binaryImage = imread('example.png');

% create a structuring element for dilation
se = strel('line', 5, 0); % creates a horizontal line of length 5 pixels

% perform dilation on the binary image
dilatedImage = imdilate(binaryImage, se);

% display the results
subplot(1, 2, 1);
title('Original Image');

subplot(1, 2, 2);
title('Dilated Image');
413 chars
18 lines

In this example, we first read the binary image using the imread function. We then create a structuring element se using the strel function. In this case, we create a horizontal line of length 5 pixels.

Finally, we perform dilation on the binary image using the imdilate function, passing in the binary image and the structuring element as arguments. The resulting image is stored in the dilatedImage variable.

We then display the original and dilated images side by side using the subplot and imshow functions, and add titles to them using the title function.

By changing the structuring element se, we can adjust the amount of dilation applied to the image.

gistlibby LogSnag