find the coordinates of the largest value in a matrix in matlab

To find the coordinates of the largest value in a matrix in Matlab, you can use the max function along with indexing and conditional statements. Here's an example code:

% create a matrix
A = magic(4);

% find the largest value and its index
[max_val, ind] = max(A(:));

% convert index to row and column subscripts
[row, col] = ind2sub(size(A), ind);

% display the largest value and its coordinates
fprintf('The largest value in matrix A is %g.\n', max_val);
fprintf('It is located at row %d and column %d.\n', row, col);
354 chars
13 lines

In this code, the magic function is used to create a 4x4 matrix A. The max function is then used to find the largest value and its linear index, which corresponds to the position of the value in the matrix if all its elements were listed in a single column.

The ind2sub function is then used to convert the linear index to row and column subscripts. Finally, the results are displayed using the fprintf function.

Note that if the matrix has multiple elements with the same largest value, this code will only provide the coordinates of one of them.

gistlibby LogSnag