add thermal load to the top edge of a 2d square model in matlab

To add a thermal load to the top edge of a 2D square model in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the geometry and mesh the square model using the geometryFromEdges and generateMesh functions.
x = [0 1 1 0];
y = [0 0 1 1];
model = createpde();
geometryFromEdges(model, [dlpolyline(x, y)], 'Square');
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  1. Define the thermal properties of the model, such as conductivity and heat capacity.
thermalProperties(model, 'ThermalConductivity', 1, 'MassDensity', 1, 'SpecificHeat', 1);
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  1. Apply a thermal boundary condition to the top edge of the model using the applyBoundaryCondition function.
thermalBC(model, 'Edge', 3, 'HeatFlux', 1);
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In the above code, the Edge parameter specifies the edge to which the boundary condition is applied (1-4 for the four edges of the square) and the HeatFlux parameter specifies the thermal load applied to that edge.

  1. Solve the thermal problem using the solve function.
results = solve(model);
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The results variable will contain the temperature distribution of the model.

Note: This is a basic example and assumes that you have the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox installed in your MATLAB environment.

Tag: matlab, thermal analysis

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