remove value container map in matlab

To remove a value from a MATLAB map (also known as a containers.Map object), you can use the remove function. The syntax is as follows:

remove(map, key)
17 chars
2 lines

where map is the map object and key is the key of the value you want to remove.

Here's an example:

% Create a map object
map = containers.Map;
map('key1') = 'value1';
map('key2') = 'value2';
map('key3') = 'value3';

% Remove a value from the map
remove(map, 'key2');

% Print the updated map
203 chars
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  containers.Map handle
  Package: containers
        Count: 2
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any
126 chars
8 lines

As you can see, the map now only contains key1 and key3, and key2 has been effectively removed.

Note that invalid keys or keys that don't exist in the map will not raise an error when using the remove function. Instead, they will be silently ignored.

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