how to calculate beam buckling in matlab

To calculate beam buckling in MATLAB, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Define the geometry and material properties of the beam, such as length, area moment of inertia, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio.
L = 2;              % length of beam in meters
I = 4e-4;           % area moment of inertia in m^4
E = 200e9;          % modulus of elasticity in Pa
nu = 0.3;           % Poisson's ratio
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  1. Choose an appropriate boundary condition and load type. For example, we can consider a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load.
% boundary conditions
bc = 'ss';          % simply supported
% load
q = 100;            % uniformly distributed load in N/m
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  1. Construct the stiffness matrix and load vector of the beam.
% stiffness matrix
K = [12*E*I/L^3      6*E*I/L^2      -12*E*I/L^3     6*E*I/L^2;
     6*E*I/L^2       4*E*I/L        -6*E*I/L^2      2*E*I/L;
     -12*E*I/L^3    -6*E*I/L^2      12*E*I/L^3     -6*E*I/L^2;
     6*E*I/L^2       2*E*I/L        -6*E*I/L^2      4*E*I/L];
% load vector
P = [-q*L/2; q*L^2/12; -q*L/2; -q*L^2/12];
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  1. Solve the standard eigenvalue problem to obtain the critical buckling load and mode shape of the beam.
% eigenvalue analysis
[V,D] = eig(K,P);               % eigenvalue analysis
[lambda,idx] = sort(diag(D));   % sort eigenvalues in ascending order
V = V(:,idx);                   % corresponding eigenvector matrix
Pcr = -lambda(1)                % critical buckling load
phi = V(:,1)                    % mode shape
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  1. Plot the mode shape of the beam using the computed eigenvector.
% plot mode shape
x = linspace(0,L,100);
y = [0; phi(2); 0; phi(4)]*sin(pi/L*x)';
title('First mode shape')
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By following these steps, one can use MATLAB to perform eigenvalue analysis and compute the critical load and mode shape of a buckling beam.

gistlibby LogSnag