minimax matlab code in matlab

Here is a possible implementation of the Minimax algorithm in MATLAB:

function [bestMove, bestScore] = minimax(board, depth, maximizingPlayer)
% MINIMAX finds the best move and score for the current player in a game of Tic Tac Toe.
% Inputs:
%   - board: a 3x3 matrix representing the current board state.
%   - depth: the current depth of the search tree (starting from 0).
%   - maximizingPlayer: a logical value indicating whether the current player is trying to maximize the score.
% Outputs:
%   - bestMove: a 2-element vector representing the row and column indices of the best move.
%   - bestScore: the score of the best move.
    % Check if the game is over or if the maximum depth is reached.
    if checkWin(board)
        % A player has won the game, return a score based on the current depth.
        score = getScore(board, depth);
        bestScore = score;
        bestMove = [];
    elseif checkTie(board)
        % The game is a tie, return a score of 0.
        bestScore = 0;
        bestMove = [];
    elseif depth == 0
        % The maximum search depth is reached, return an estimate of the score based on the current board state.
        score = getScore(board, depth);
        bestScore = score;
        bestMove = [];
    % Iterate over all possible moves and compute their scores.
    scores = [];
    moves = getMoves(board);
    for i = 1:length(moves)
        move = moves{i};
        newBoard = applyMove(board, move, maximizingPlayer);
        [~, score] = minimax(newBoard, depth - 1, ~maximizingPlayer);
        scores = [scores score];
    % Select the best move based on the current player (maximizing or minimizing).
    if maximizingPlayer
        [bestScore, idx] = max(scores);
        [bestScore, idx] = min(scores);
    bestMove = moves{idx};

function [score] = getScore(board, depth)
% GETSCORE computes a score based on the current board state and the current depth of the search tree.
% The score is positive if the current player is winning, negative if the opponent is winning, and 0 otherwise.
    if checkWin(board)
        % A player has won the game, return a score based on the current depth.
        score = 10 - depth;
    elseif checkWin(board, 'o')
        % The opponent has won the game, return a negative score based on the current depth.
        score = depth - 10;
        % The game is ongoing, return a neutral score.
        score = 0;
2449 chars
64 lines

This implementation assumes that the checkWin, checkTie, getMoves, and applyMove functions are already defined elsewhere in the code. The checkWin function checks if a player has won the game, the checkTie function checks if the game is a tie, the getMoves function returns a cell array of all possible moves, and the applyMove function applies a move to the current board state. The getScore function computes a score based on the current board state and the current depth of the search tree. The main minimax function recursively searches the game tree and returns the best move and score for the current player.

gistlibby LogSnag