interpolation elevation vector to utm easting vector in matlab

To interpolate an elevation vector to UTM easting vector in Matlab, you can use interpolation techniques such as linear interpolation or spline interpolation. Here is an example using linear interpolation assuming you have elevation data stored in elevation_vector, and UTM easting values stored in easting_vector:

% Given elevation vector and UTM easting vector
elevation_vector = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];  % Example elevation data
easting_vector = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500];  % Example UTM easting data

% Define the desired UTM easting values for interpolation
desired_easting = [150, 250, 350, 450];

% Linear interpolation
interpolated_elevation = interp1(easting_vector, elevation_vector, desired_easting, 'linear');

% Display the interpolated elevations
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In this code snippet, interp1 function is used for linear interpolation. You need to provide the UTM easting values, elevation values, and the desired UTM easting values where you want to interpolate the elevation. The function will return the interpolated elevation values at those specific UTM easting points.

You can easily modify this code to use different interpolation methods like spline interpolation by changing the method parameter in the interp1 function to 'spline'.

Remember to have the Mapping Toolbox installed in Matlab to work with UTM coordinates.

gistlibby LogSnag