interpolation elevation vector to utm vector in matlab

To interpolate elevation data from a vector of geographic coordinates to a vector of UTM coordinates in MATLAB, you can use the following steps:

  1. Convert the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to UTM coordinates using the deg2utm function from the Mapping Toolbox.
  2. Interpolate the elevation values corresponding to the geographic coordinates using interpolation methods like interp2 for 2D interpolation or interp1 for 1D interpolation.

Here is an example code snippet:

% Define your geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude) and elevation vector
latLonCoords = [latitude1, longitude1; 
                latitude2, longitude2; 
                latitude3, longitude3;  % Add more coordinates as needed
elevationData = [elevation1;
                 elevation3;  % Add more elevation values as needed

% Convert geographic coordinates to UTM
utmCoords = zeros(size(latLonCoords));
zone = utmzone(mean(latLonCoords(:,1)), mean(latLonCoords(:,2)));
for i = 1:size(latLonCoords, 1)
    [utmCoords(i, 1), utmCoords(i, 2)] = deg2utm(latLonCoords(i, 1), latLonCoords(i, 2), zone);

% Interpolation
interpolatedElevation = interp1(utmCoords(:, 1), elevationData, desiredUTMVector, 'linear');  % 1D interpolation example

% You can also use interp2 for 2D interpolation if you have a grid of UTM points

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Make sure to replace the latitude, longitude, elevation data with your actual data, and adjust the interpolation method and parameters based on your specific requirements.

gistlibby LogSnag