simple jump game using the spacebar write code in matlab

Here's some sample code that should get you started with a simple jump game using the spacebar in MATLAB:

% Initialize player position
playerPos = 0;

% Initialize platform position and size
platformPos = 5;
platformSize = 5;

% Main game loop
while true
    % Check for spacebar press
    if strcmp(get(gcf, 'CurrentCharacter'), ' ')
        % Jump
        playerPos = playerPos + 1;
    % Check for collision
    if playerPos >= platformPos && playerPos <= platformPos + platformSize
        % Display success message
        disp('You made it!');
        % Break out of loop
    % Update screen
    hold on;
    % Draw platform
    plot([0, 10], [platformPos, platformPos], 'k-', 'LineWidth', 2);
    % Draw player
    plot(5, playerPos, 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 2);
    axis([0, 10, 0, 10]);
    box on;
    grid on;
    % Move platform down
    platformPos = platformPos - 0.1;
    % Check for failure
    if platformPos < -platformSize
        % Display failure message
        disp('You fell off!');
        % Break out of loop
1051 chars
49 lines

This code creates a simple game where the player tries to jump onto a moving platform using the spacebar. Tags have been added for matlab and game-programming.

Note that this is just a basic template, and you can modify and add more features as per your requirements.

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