replace each inports of a simulink model at the root level by constant blocks typed in matlab

% Define the model name
modelName = 'myModel';

% Load the model

% Get all the blocks in the model
blocks = find_system(modelName, 'Type', 'Block');

% Loop through the blocks
for i = 1:length(blocks)
    % If the block is an Inport block, replace it with a Constant block
    if strcmp(get_param(blocks{i}, 'BlockType'), 'Inport')
        % Get the block's position and delete it
        pos = get_param(blocks{i}, 'Position');
        % Add a Constant block in its place
        constantBlock = add_block('simulink/Sources/Constant', [modelName, '/', sprintf('Constant%d', i)]);
        set_param(constantBlock, 'Position', pos);

% Save and close the model
788 chars
27 lines

This code loops through all the blocks in the model and checks if each block is an Inport. If it is, it replaces it with a Constant block. The Constant block is added in the same position as the Inport block using the get_param and set_param functions. Finally, the model is saved and closed.

gistlibby LogSnag