find distance between points in array in matlab

To find the distance between points in an array in Matlab, you can use the pdist function. This function calculates the pairwise distances between the observations in an array. For example, if you have an array points with n observations and m dimensions, you can calculate the pairwise distances between the observations using the following code:

d = pdist(points);
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By default, pdist calculates the Euclidean distance between points, but you can also specify other types of distances, such as Manhattan or Chebyshev, using the distance parameter. For example, to calculate the Manhattan distance between points, you can use:

d = pdist(points, 'cityblock');
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Note that the output of pdist is a condensed distance matrix, which is a vector containing the distances between each pair of observations. To convert this vector to a square distance matrix, you can use the squareform function:

D = squareform(d);
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This will give you a n x n matrix D where D(i,j) is the distance between observation i and observation j.

gistlibby LogSnag