check if two tables have the exact same content in matlab

You can use the isequal function to compare two tables in MATLAB. The function will return true if both tables have the same size and contain the same elements.

Here's an example:

% Create two example tables
table1 = table([1; 2; 3], {'A'; 'B'; 'C'}, 'VariableNames', {'Var1', 'Var2'});
table2 = table([1; 2; 3], {'A'; 'B'; 'C'}, 'VariableNames', {'Var1', 'Var2'});

% Compare the tables
isequal(table1, table2)
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7 lines

This will output true since both tables have the same size and contain the same elements. If the tables are not equal, isequal will return false.

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