function that returns first element of cell and deletes it in matlab

Here is a possible implementation of a MATLAB function that removes and returns the first element of a cell array:

function firstElem = removeFirstElement(cellArray)
% REMOVEFIRSTELEMENT Remove and return the first element of a cell array.
%   firstElem = REMOVEFIRSTELEMENT(cellArray) removes the first element of
%   cellArray and returns it in firstElem. The function modifies cellArray
%   in place by deleting the first element using the {} operator.

% Check input argument
if ~iscell(cellArray)
    error('Input argument must be a cell array.');

% Check if cell array is empty
if isempty(cellArray)
    error('Cell array is empty.');

% Remove first element and return it
firstElem = cellArray{1};
cellArray(1) = [];

623 chars
22 lines

To use this function, you can pass in a cell array and assign the output to a variable, like this:

>> myCell = {'apple', 'banana', 'cherry'};
>> firstFruit = removeFirstElement(myCell);
>> disp(firstFruit)
>> disp(myCell)
    'banana'    'cherry'
154 chars
7 lines

Note that this implementation assumes that the input cell array is non-empty and contains only one element. If you need to remove multiple elements or handle different input scenarios, you may need to modify the function accordingly.

gistlibby LogSnag