hough transform and find 10 peaks in matlab

To perform Hough transform in Matlab, you can use the hough function which takes in the image and the desired theta resolution. Here's an example code:

im = imread('example.png');
BW = edge(im,'canny'); % edge detection using Canny algorithm
[H,T,R] = hough(BW,'Theta',-90:0.5:89.5); % perform Hough transform for angles from -90 to 89.5 degrees in 0.5 degree increments
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To find the peaks in the Hough transform accumulator array, you can use the houghpeaks function. Here's how to find the 10 highest peaks:

P = houghpeaks(H,10,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:)))); % find 10 peaks with threshold set to 30% of the highest peak value
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The houghpeaks function returns the row and column coordinates of the peaks in the accumulator array. To convert these coordinates to theta and rho values, you can use the ind2sub function along with the Theta and Rho vectors from the hough function:

theta = T(P(:,2));
rho = R(P(:,1));
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gistlibby LogSnag