random generator of different text inputs in matlab

To generate random text inputs in MATLAB, you can use the randi function to select random characters from a set of characters.

Here's an example code that randomly generates a string of 10 characters consisting of only uppercase letters:

% Define the set of allowed characters

% Generate a random string of length 10
randomString = allowedChars(randi(numel(allowedChars), [1, 10]));

% Display the generated string
243 chars
9 lines

This code works by first defining a set of allowed characters, in this case all uppercase letters. It then uses the randi function to generate a random sequence of numbers that correspond to the indices of characters in the allowedChars string. Finally, it uses MATLAB's string indexing syntax to extract the selected characters from the allowedChars string and combine them into a single string.

You can modify this example to suit your needs by changing the set of allowed characters or the length of the generated string.

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