error using cell conversion to cell from char is not possible in matlab

When trying to convert a character array to a cell array or vice versa, you might encounter an error in MATLAB that says "Conversion to cell from char is not possible." This error occurs because the data types are incompatible, and MATLAB is unable to perform the conversion.

To resolve this error, you can use the cellstr function to convert a character array to a cell array of strings. For example:

char_array = 'hello world';
cell_array = cellstr(char_array);
62 chars
3 lines

Similarly, you can use the char function to convert a cell array of strings to a character array. For example:

cell_array = {'hello', 'world'};
char_array = char(cell_array);
64 chars
3 lines

By using these functions, you can convert between character arrays and cell arrays of strings without encountering errors.

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