implement the marching cubes algorithm in matlab

One way to implement the marching cubes algorithm in Matlab is to use the built-in function isosurface to extract the surface of a 3D scalar field at a given isosurface threshold. Then, the function patch can be used to create a triangular mesh from the resulting surface vertices and faces.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates this approach:

% Generate sample scalar field
[x, y, z] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2);
f = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2 - 1;

% Set isosurface threshold
isovalue = 0;

% Extract surface using isosurface
[V, F] = isosurface(x, y, z, f, isovalue);

% Create patch object from surface vertices and faces

% Set plot options
daspect([1,1,1]); view(3); axis tight;
camlight; lighting gouraud;
423 chars
17 lines

This code generates a sample scalar field, extracts the surface at an isosurface threshold of zero using isosurface, creates a patch object from the surface vertices and faces using patch, and then sets some plot options to display the resulting mesh.

gistlibby LogSnag