range of days going from today to -7 days in matlab

You can use datetime, days and colon functions in MATLAB to create a range of days. Here's an example code snippet to create a range of days from today to -7 days:

startDate = datetime('today');
endDate = datetime('today') - days(7);
dateRange = startDate : -1 : endDate;
108 chars
4 lines

In the above code snippet, we first create a startDate using datetime('today'), which creates a datetime object corresponding to the current date. Then, we create an endDate by subtracting 7 days from the startDate. Finally, we create a dateRange by using the colon operator (:) to create a range of dates going from startDate to endDate in steps of -1 day.

You can then use the dateRange variable to loop over the range of days, or perform any other operations you require.

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