code for w''(x)=-(20+3w(x))x(x-1) in matlab

You can use Runge-Kutta method to numerically solve the given differential equation. Here is the code for it:

% Define the function
w_deriv = @(x, w) [w(2); -(20 + 3*w(1))*x*(x-1)];

% Define the range of x
x_values = linspace(0, 1, 101);

% Define the initial conditions
w_initial = [0; 0];

% Solve the equation using Runge-Kutta method
w_values = ode45(w_deriv, x_values, w_initial);

% Plot the solution
plot(x_values, w_values.y(1,:));
title('Solution of w''''(x) = -(20+3w(x))x(x-1)');
411 chars
18 lines

This will give you a plot of the solution w(x) over the range of x from 0 to 1. You can adjust the range and initial conditions to suit your needs.

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