use the secant method to determine resting membrane potential (e m) for j+ = 0.9 mm/min to an error tolerance of tol and an initial guess of x1se and x2se in the ghk equation in matlab

To use the secant method to determine the resting membrane potential (E_m) for a given value of j+ in the GHK equation in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the GHK equation and its parameters in MATLAB:
function f = ghk_equation(E_m, j_plus)
    % Constants
    R = 8.314;   % Gas constant (J/(mol K))
    T = 310;     % Temperature (K)
    F = 96485;   % Faraday's constant (C/mol)
    P_K = 1e-6;  % Permeability of potassium (m/s)
    P_Na = 3e-7; % Permeability of sodium (m/s)
    P_Cl = 8e-8; % Permeability of chloride (m/s)
    C_in = 150;  % Concentration inside the membrane (mM)
    C_out = 15;  % Concentration outside the membrane (mM)

    % GHK equation
    f = P_K*C_out*(exp(-F*E_m/(R*T))-exp(-F*E_m/(R*T)))...
        + P_Na*C_out*(exp(-F*E_m/(R*T))-exp(-F*E_m/(R*T)))...
        - P_Cl*C_in*(exp(-F*E_m/(R*T))-exp(-F*E_m/(R*T)))...
        - j_plus;
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  1. Set the initial guesses x1 and x2 for the secant method:
x1 = x1se; % Initial guess 1
x2 = x2se; % Initial guess 2
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  1. Implement the secant method in MATLAB:
max_iterations = 100;    % Maximum number of iterations
tol = tol;               % Error tolerance
iteration = 0;
error = tol+1;

while error > tol && iteration < max_iterations
    iteration = iteration + 1;

    % Evaluate the function at x1 and x2
    f_x1 = ghk_equation(x1, j_plus);
    f_x2 = ghk_equation(x2, j_plus);

    % Compute the new estimate using the secant method
    x3 = x2 - f_x2*(x2 - x1)/(f_x2 - f_x1);

    % Update the estimates
    x1 = x2;
    x2 = x3;

    % Compute the error
    error = abs(x2 - x1);

% The final estimate is the resting membrane potential (E_m)
E_m = x2;
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Now you can call the secant method function to determine the resting membrane potential by passing the initial guesses (x1se and x2se) and the error tolerance (tol) as arguments:

x1se = 0;   % Initial guess 1
x2se = -70; % Initial guess 2
tol = 1e-6; % Error tolerance

E_m = secant_method_ghk(x1se, x2se, tol, j_plus);
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Note: Make sure you have defined the ghk_equation function in your MATLAB environment before running the code.

Remember to replace j_plus with the actual value of j+ (0.9 mm/min) in your case.

gistlibby LogSnag