write the full code for parameter estimation of several parametrs using mcmc in matlab, consider input parameters have uniform prior and take values for example in matlab in matlab

% Define the log likelihood function you want to estimate
log_likelihood = @(parameters) -0.5 * sum((data - model(parameters)).^2);

% Define the log prior function with uniform prior
log_prior = @(parameters) 0; % Assuming uniform prior

% Define the log posterior function
log_posterior = @(parameters) log_likelihood(parameters) + log_prior(parameters);

% Set the MCMC parameters
n_iter = 10000; % Number of iterations
n_param = 5; % Number of parameters
proposal_width = 0.1; % Proposal width for random walk Metropolis-Hastings

% Initialize the chain
chain = zeros(n_iter, n_param); % Create a matrix to store chain
accepted = zeros(n_iter, 1); % Vector to store acceptance information

% Initialize parameters
params = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; % Initial guess

% Run the MCMC algorithm
for i = 1:n_iter
    % Propose new parameters
    proposed_params = params + proposal_width * randn(1, n_param);
    % Calculate acceptance probability
    log_alpha = log_posterior(proposed_params) - log_posterior(params);
    % Accept or reject the proposal
    if log(rand) < log_alpha
        params = proposed_params;
        accepted(i) = 1; % Proposal accepted
    % Store the parameters in the chain
    chain(i, :) = params;

% Plot the parameter chain
for i = 1:n_param
    subplot(n_param, 1, i);
    plot(chain(:, i));
    title(['Parameter ', num2str(i)]);
1395 chars
47 lines

This code provides a framework for parameter estimation using MCMC with a random walk Metropolis-Hastings sampler in MATLAB. The code includes defining the log likelihood, log prior, and log posterior functions, setting MCMC parameters, initializing the chain, and running the MCMC algorithm. Finally, it plots the parameter chains for visualization purposes.

gistlibby LogSnag