write a script that converts binary to decimal in matlab

To write a script that converts binary to decimal in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Accept the binary number as input from the user.
  2. Validate that the input is a valid binary number.
  3. Convert the binary number to decimal using the MATLAB bin2dec function.
  4. Display the decimal equivalent.

Here's an example script that implements these steps:

% Step 1: Accept the binary number as input
binaryNumber = input('Enter a binary number: ', 's');

% Step 2: Validate the input
if ~isbinary(binaryNumber)
    error('Invalid binary number');

% Step 3: Convert binary to decimal
decimalNumber = bin2dec(binaryNumber);

% Step 4: Display the decimal equivalent
disp(['The decimal equivalent of ', binaryNumber, ' is ', num2str(decimalNumber)]);

% Helper function to check if a string is a binary number
function valid = isbinary(str)
    valid = all(ismember(str, '01'));
529 chars
19 lines

Note that the above script uses a helper function isbinary to validate the input and checks if all characters in the string are either '0' or '1'.

You can run this script by copying the code into a MATLAB editor, and then executing it. When prompted, enter a valid binary number, such as '101010', and the script will convert it to decimal and display the result.

Remember to save the script with a .m extension before running it in MATLAB.

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