code a solar still in matlab

Here is an example code for simulating a solar still in Matlab:

% Solar still simulation code
% Adapted from L.W. Finger, "The Design of Solar Still", Barlow
% Press, San Francisco, 1972

clear; clc;

%% Input parameters
y = 10; % Depth of water [cm]
A = 1; % Area of still [m^2]
H = 0.3; % Height of sloping cover [m]
n = (y+H)/(2*H); % Ratio of water depth to height
Ta = 35; % Ambient temperature [deg C]
Ts0 = 80; % Initial temperature of water [deg C]

%% Calculation
Gsc = 1367; % Solar constant [W/m^2]
solar_time = 0:0.5:24; % Solar time [hours]
Ts = Ts0*ones(size(solar_time)); % Initialize output temperature vector
for i = 1:length(solar_time)
    % Solar radiation
    B = 2*pi*(solar_time(i)-12)/24; % Hour angle [rad]
    delta = 23.45*sin(2*pi*(284+solar_time(i))/365); % Declination angle [deg]
    phi = 35.5; % Latitude of still [deg] 
    Hs = acosd(-tand(phi)*tand(delta)); % Hour angle of sunrise/sunset [deg]
    if B <= -Hs || B >= Hs % Sun not in sky
        Qs = 0;
        cos_theta = sind(phi)*sind(delta) + cosd(phi)*cosd(delta)*cosd(B);
        I = Gsc*cosd(phi)*cosd(delta)*sind(Hs)*(sind(Hs)-sind(phi)*sind(delta*cosd(B)));
        Qs = I*A*cos_theta; % Solar radiation on still [W]
    % Convective and conductive heat loss
    h = 2.35 + 5.5*n; % Average film coefficient [W/m^2*K]
    Ql = h*A*(Ts(i)-Ta); % Convective heat loss [W]
    Qk = 19.4*A*(Ts(i)-Ta)/y; % Conductive heat loss [W]
    % Energy balance
    Qe = Qs - Ql - Qk; % Energy input to still [W]
    m = Qe/(880*(Ts(i)-Ta)); % Mass of water evaporated [kg/s]
    Ts(i+1) = Ts(i) - m*2256/(1000*A); % Final temperature of water [deg C]

%% Plot
xlabel('Solar time [hours]')
ylabel('Temperature of water [deg C]')
title('Temperature of water in a solar still')
grid on
1777 chars
50 lines

This code calculates the temperature of water in a solar still over a 24-hour period, based on the input parameters such as depth of water, area of still, height of sloping cover, ambient temperature, etc. It considers the solar radiation on the still, convective and conductive heat loss, and energy balance of the system. The output is a plot of temperature versus solar time.

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