First, we need to define the maze as a 2D matrix in MATLAB code. Here is an example:
Now we can implement the STAR algorithm to solve the maze. Here is an example implementation:
function solveMaze(mazeAxes)
% Set up maze
mazeSize = [10 10];
startX = 1;
startY = 2;
endX = 10;
endY = 9;
maze = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0;
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0;
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0;
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0;
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0;
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0;
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% Show initial maze
currPos = [startX startY];
drawMaze(maze, mazeAxes, currPos, [endX endY])
% Initialize data structures
openList = [startX startY 0];
cameFrom = zeros(mazeSize);
costSoFar = inf(mazeSize);
costSoFar(startX, startY) = 0;
% Run STAR algorithm
while ~isempty(openList)
% Get next node
currNode = openList(1,:);
openList(1,:) = [];
% Check if at goal
if currNode(1) == endX && currNode(2) == endY
% Reconstruct path
path = [endX endY];
while ~isequal(path(1,:), [startX startY])
newPath = cameFrom(path(1,1), path(1,2), :);
path = [squeeze(newPath) ; path];
% Show final path
drawMaze(maze, mazeAxes, [endX endY], [startX startY], path)
% Add neighbors to open list
for i = -1:1
for j = -1:1
if abs(i)+abs(j) == 1 && currNode(1)+i > 0 && currNode(1)+i <= mazeSize(1) && currNode(2)+j > 0 && currNode(2)+j <= mazeSize(2) && maze(currNode(1)+i, currNode(2)+j) == 0
newCost = costSoFar(currNode(1), currNode(2)) + 1; % unit cost
if newCost < costSoFar(currNode(1)+i, currNode(2)+j)
costSoFar(currNode(1)+i, currNode(2)+j) = newCost;
priority = newCost + heuristic([currNode(1)+i currNode(2)+j], [endX endY]);
cameFrom(currNode(1)+i, currNode(2)+j, :) = [currNode(1) currNode(2)];
openList = [openList ; currNode(1)+i currNode(2)+j priority];
% Sort open list by priority
[~, index] = sort(openList(:,3));
openList = openList(index,:);
% Show current position
currPos = currNode(1:2);
drawMaze(maze, mazeAxes, currPos, [endX endY])
error('Maze cannot be solved.');
function drawMaze(maze, mazeAxes, currPos, goalPos, path)
% Clear previous maze
% Get maze size
[mazeRows, mazeCols] = size(maze);
% Draw maze
for row = 1:mazeRows
for col = 1:mazeCols
if maze(row,col) == 1
rectangle(mazeAxes, [col-1 row-1 1 1], 'FaceColor', 'black')
% Draw current position
if nargin > 2
rectangle(mazeAxes, [currPos(2)-1 currPos(1)-1 1 1], 'FaceColor', 'blue')
% Draw goal position
if nargin > 3
rectangle(mazeAxes, [goalPos(2)-1 goalPos(1)-1 1 1], 'FaceColor', 'green')
% Draw path
if nargin > 4
line(mazeAxes, path(:,2)-1, path(:,1)-1, 'Color', 'red')
% Set axis limits
xlim(mazeAxes, [0 mazeCols])
ylim(mazeAxes, [0 mazeRows])
function h = heuristic(pos1, pos2)
% Use Manhattan distance as heuristic
h = abs(pos1(1)-pos2(1)) + abs(pos1(2)-pos2(2));
To use this implementation in App Designer, you would need to create a UIAxes object in your app and pass it to the solveMaze
function when you want to run the algorithm. You can also customize the maze by changing the maze
matrix and the starting and ending positions in the solveMaze