generate bibtex entry from doi in matlab

Here's a MATLAB code snippet that shows how to generate a BibTeX entry from a DOI using the CrossRef API:

% Specify the DOI to generate the BibTeX entry for
doi = '10.1016/j.neuron.2017.03.002';

% Create the CrossRef API URL
url = ['', doi];

% Make a GET request to the API
response = webread(url);

% Access the BibTeX entry in the response
bibtexEntry = response.message.bibtex;

% Display the BibTeX entry
355 chars
15 lines

Make sure you have the JSONlab toolbox installed to run this code, as it is used to parse the JSON response from the API. You can find the JSONlab toolbox on MATLAB File Exchange.

Please note that this code requires an internet connection to access the CrossRef API and retrieve the BibTeX information.

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