To implement simulated annealing for minimizing a fitness function that contains the sum of the adjusted R-squared and sum of squared error in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:
Define the objective function: Start by defining the fitness function that you want to minimize. In this case, the fitness function should be a combination of the sum of the adjusted R-squared and the sum of squared error. This function should take the input variables (parameters) and return a scalar value representing the fitness.
Define the initial state and temperature: You need to define the initial state and the temperature for the simulated annealing algorithm. The initial state can be a random or predefined set of parameters, and the temperature determines the probability of accepting worse solutions initially.
Define the neighbor function: The neighbor function generates a random neighboring state given the current state. It is used in the simulated annealing algorithm to explore different solutions. You can define a function that randomly perturbs the current parameters to generate a new state.
Define the acceptance probability function: The acceptance probability function determines whether to accept a new state or not based on its fitness and the temperature. This function should be higher when the fitness improves or when the temperature is high.
Implement the simulated annealing algorithm: Using the above-defined components, you can implement the simulated annealing algorithm. The algorithm should start with the initial state, iterate through a certain number of steps, and at each step, generate a new neighbor state, evaluate its fitness, and decide whether to accept it or not based on the acceptance probability. Finally, return the best solution found.
Here's a sample MATLAB code outline for the implementation:
main.m1444 chars47 lines
Note that the specific implementation of the fitness function, neighbor function, acceptance probability, and temperature update will depend on the problem you are trying to solve. You may need to customize these components accordingly.
Remember to replace the functions sum_adjusted_r_squared
, sum_squared_error
, perturb_parameters
, and decrease_temperature
with your own implementations specific to your problem.
I hope this helps you get started with implementing simulated annealing to minimize a fitness function in MATLAB!
gistlibby LogSnag