how to create a lookup table that uses only discrete values in matlab

To create a lookup table in MATLAB that uses only discrete values, you can use the interp1 function with the option 'nearest'. The interp1 function allows you to interpolate a set of values to generate a new set of values based on a function handle. By using 'nearest' as the interpolation type, the function will simply find the nearest value in the lookup table for the input you provide.

Here's an example:

% Define the lookup table
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
y = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11];

% Define the input values
input_values = [1.5, 2.7, 3.2];

% Create the lookup function
lookup_table = @(v) interp1(x, y, v, 'nearest');

% Use the lookup function on the input values
output_values = lookup_table(input_values);
298 chars
13 lines

In this example, we first define the lookup table as two arrays, x and y. We then define the input values we want to look up, input_values.

Next, we create the lookup_table function using the interp1 function and specifying 'nearest' as the interpolation type. This function will take an input value, find the nearest value in the lookup table x, and return the corresponding value in y.

Finally, we pass the array input_values to lookup_table to get the output values, output_values.

This method allows you to create lookup tables with only discrete values, which can be useful in cases where a continuous function is not appropriate, such as when using a digital system or when working with discrete samples.

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