make call of duty game in matlab

Unfortunately, it is not possible to create a full-fledged game like Call of Duty solely in Matlab, as it is primarily a numerical computing software with limited capabilities for game development. However, we can use Matlab for certain aspects of game development, such as generating graphics or implementing game mechanics.

Here is an example of how to create a simple first-person shooter game similar to Call of Duty using Matlab's built-in functions:

% First, we set up the game window
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
ax = axes('XLim',[0 1920],'YLim',[0 1080]);

% Next, we load the player's character and weapon images
playerImg = imread('player.png');
weaponImg = imread('weapon.png');

% We define the player's starting position and create an image object
playerX = 960;
playerY = 540;
playerObj = image(ax,playerX,playerY,playerImg,'CDataMapping','scaled');

% We define the weapon's position and create an image object
weaponX = 100;
weaponY = 100;
weaponObj = image(ax,weaponX,weaponY,weaponImg,'CDataMapping','scaled');

% We set up the control system and game loop
set(gcf, 'KeyPressFcn', @keyDown);
set(gcf, 'KeyReleaseFcn', @keyUp);
lastTime = tic();

    % We calculate the time since the last frame
    currentTime = tic();
    deltaTime = toc(lastTime);
    lastTime = currentTime;
    % We update the player's position based on input and frame rate
    playerX = max(0,min(1920,playerX + deltaTime * 500 * playerDirection));
    playerY = max(0,min(1080,playerY + deltaTime * 500 * playerMove));
    % We update the weapon's position based on the player's position
    set(weaponObj,'XData',playerX + 100,'YData',playerY + 50);
    % We pause for a short amount of time to limit the frame rate

% This event handler updates the player's movement direction
function keyDown(hObject, event, handles)
    global playerDirection playerMove
    if(event.Key == 'w' || event.Key == 'uparrow')
        playerMove = 1;
    elseif(event.Key == 's' || event.Key == 'downarrow')
        playerMove = -1;
    if(event.Key == 'a' || event.Key == 'leftarrow')
        playerDirection = -1;
    elseif(event.Key == 'd' || event.Key == 'rightarrow')
        playerDirection = 1;

% This event handler stops the player's movement
function keyUp(hObject, event, handles)
    global playerDirection playerMove
    if(event.Key == 'w' || event.Key == 'uparrow' || event.Key == 's' || event.Key == 'downarrow')
        playerMove = 0;
    if(event.Key == 'a' || event.Key == 'leftarrow' || event.Key == 'd' || event.Key == 'rightarrow')
        playerDirection = 0;
2296 chars
68 lines

This code creates a window with a player character and a weapon object that can be moved using the WASD keys or arrow keys. Although it is not nearly as complex as Call of Duty, it demonstrates how Matlab's built-in functions can be used for basic game development.

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