write code that plots the p-h refrigerant cycle in matlab

To plot the p-h (pressure-enthalpy) refrigerant cycle in MATLAB, you can make use of the plot function. Here is an example code snippet to get you started:

% Define the pressure and enthalpy values for the refrigerant cycle
pressure = [100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100]; % replace with your own data
enthalpy = [200, 300, 350, 400, 350, 300, 200]; % replace with your own data

% Plot the p-h refrigerant cycle
plot(enthalpy, pressure, 'o-', 'LineWidth', 2)

% Set the axis labels and title
title('P-h Refrigerant Cycle')

% Add grid lines
grid on
431 chars
15 lines

Make sure to replace the pressure and enthalpy arrays with your own data points. The plot function plots the pressure (y-axis) against the enthalpy (x-axis), using the specified marker style ('o-') and line width ('LineWidth'). You can modify these parameters to customize the appearance of the plot.

Finally, the xlabel, ylabel, title, and grid functions are used to set the axis labels, title, and show grid lines respectively.

Remember to replace the pressure and enthalpy arrays with your actual data points.

Make sure you have MATLAB installed and running to execute this code. Running the code will open a new figure window showing the p-h refrigerant cycle plot.

gistlibby LogSnag