how to interpolate data to a 5 minute time series instead of 15 minute in matlab

To interpolate data to a 5-minute time series instead of 15-minute, you can use the resample function in MATLAB. Here is an example:

% Generate some example data
t = datetime('now') + minutes(0:15:45); % 15-minute interval times
x = [1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7]; % Example data

% Resample to a 5-minute interval
t2 = datetime('now') + minutes(0:5:45); % 5-minute interval times
x2 = resample(x, t2);

% Plot the original and resampled data
plot(t, x, 'o-', t2, x2, 'x--');
legend('Original', 'Resampled');
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In this example, the original data has a 15-minute time interval and is stored in t and x. The resample function is then used to resample the data to a 5-minute interval, with the new times stored in t2 and the resampled data stored in x2. Finally, the original and resampled data are plotted for comparison.

Note that the resample function assumes a uniform sampling rate, so if your original data is not perfectly evenly-spaced you may need to perform some preprocessing to ensure that the sampling rate is uniform.

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