make a pokemon game in matlab

To create a simple Pokemon game in MATLAB, you will need to use the MATLAB graphics library to draw the game graphics and create a simple game loop to handle game mechanics. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a basic Pokemon game in MATLAB:

  1. Create a new MATLAB script file and save it as "pokemon.m".
  2. Set up game graphics by creating a new figure window and setting the axes to fill the entire window. You can use the "axis off" command to remove the axis lines and "set(gcf, 'color', 'black')" to set the background color.
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8])
axis off
set(gcf,'color', 'black')
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  1. Load game assets such as Pokemon sprites and create a game map to move your Pokemon around on. You can use the "imread" function to load sprite images and "image" function to draw them onto the map.
pokemon = imread('pokemon.png');
map = zeros(100,100);
hold on
hPokemon = image(pokemon);
set(hPokemon, 'XData', [10 20], 'YData', [10 20])
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  1. Create a game loop that constantly refreshes the screen and listens for user input to move the Pokemon around. The "while" loop can be used to redraw the Pokemon at a new position on the map based on user input.
while true
    keyPressed = get(gcf, 'CurrentKey');
    switch keyPressed
        case 'uparrow'
            set(hPokemon, 'YData', get(hPokemon, 'YData') + 2)
        case 'downarrow'
            set(hPokemon, 'YData', get(hPokemon, 'YData') - 2)
        case 'rightarrow'
            set(hPokemon, 'XData', get(hPokemon, 'XData') + 2)
        case 'leftarrow'
            set(hPokemon, 'XData', get(hPokemon, 'XData') - 2)
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  1. Run the script and start playing the game. You can move the Pokemon around the map by pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Note that this is just a basic example of a Pokemon game in MATLAB, and there are many more features you can add to make the game more complex and interactive.

gistlibby LogSnag