adjust leveling on mri dicom file in matlab

To adjust the leveling of an MRI DICOM image in MATLAB, you can use the imadjust function. This function maps the intensity values of an image to a new range of values.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to adjust the leveling of an MRI DICOM image in MATLAB:

% Read the DICOM image
dicomImage = dicomread('mri.dcm');

% Adjust the image leveling
adjustedImage = imadjust(dicomImage);

% Display the original and adjusted images side by side
subplot(1, 2, 1);
imshow(dicomImage, []);
title('Original DICOM image');

subplot(1, 2, 2);
imshow(adjustedImage, []);
title('Adjusted DICOM image');
332 chars
15 lines

In the code above, the dicomread function is used to read the MRI DICOM image, and imadjust is used to adjust the image leveling. The imshow function is used to display the original and adjusted images side by side.

Note that the [] argument for imshow is used to scale the image intensities to the full range of the display. This is necessary because DICOM images typically have a limited range of intensity values.

gistlibby LogSnag