dijkstras algorithm in matlab

Here is a simple implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm in Matlab for finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph:

function [dist, path] = dijkstra(graph, start_node, end_node)
% DIJKSTRA finds the shortest path between two nodes in a graph.
% graph: adjacency matrix representing the graph
% start_node: the starting node index
% end_node: the ending node index
% dist: the total distance of the shortest path from start_node to end_node
% path: the shortest path from start_node to end_node

n = size(graph, 1); % number of nodes in graph
dist = inf(1, n); % initialize distance to all nodes as infinity
dist(start_node) = 0; % except to the starting point, which is zero
visited = zeros(1, n); % initialize visited nodes to zero
path = zeros(1, n); % initialize path to all zeros
for i = 1:n-1
    u = find(visited == 0 & dist == min(dist)); % choose the node with the shortest distance
    u = u(1); % in case of multiple nodes with the same shortest distance
    visited(u) = 1; % mark the node as visited
    for v = 1:n
        if graph(u, v) ~= 0 % if there's an edge (u,v)
            alt = dist(u) + graph(u, v); % calculate the alternative distance
            if alt < dist(v) % if it's shorter than the current distance, update
                dist(v) = alt;
                path(v) = u;

% construct path
path_list = end_node;
n = end_node;
while n ~= start_node
    n = path(n);
    path_list(end+1) = n;
path_list = fliplr(path_list);
path = path_list;

1424 chars
42 lines

An example usage of the function would be:

graph = [0 2 0 0 0 0 0;
         2 0 1 3 0 0 0;
         0 1 0 2 1 0 0;
         0 3 2 0 0 2 0;
         0 0 1 0 0 1 1;
         0 0 0 2 1 0 1;
         0 0 0 0 1 1 0];
[start_node, end_node] = [1, 6];
[dist, path] = dijkstra(graph, start_node, end_node)

% expected output:
% dist = 3
% path = [1 2 3 4 6]
317 chars
15 lines

Note that the graph input is expected to be an adjacency matrix, where each row and column correspond to nodes in the graph, and the value in each cell corresponds to the weight of the edge between the corresponding nodes.

gistlibby LogSnag