create boolean in matlab

In MATLAB, you can create boolean (logical) variables using the values true and false.

Here are a few ways to create boolean variables in MATLAB:

  1. Assigning a value directly:
myBool = true;
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  1. Comparisons and logical operators:
a = 5;
b = 10;

myBool = (a < b);    % Result: true

% Logical operators
andBool = (a < 10) && (b > 5);   % Result: true
orBool = (a < 10) || (b < 5);    % Result: true
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  1. Using built-in functions or operations:
% islogical function to check if a value is boolean
isBool = islogical(myBool);   % Result: true

% relational operators returning a boolean result
isEqual = 5 == 5;    % Result: true
isNotEqual = 5 ~= 10;   % Result: true
223 chars
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Remember, MATLAB expressions and functions often return boolean values, allowing you to perform conditional logic and control flow in your code.

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