function intersectionPoints = planeSweepAlgorithm(points)
% Sort the points based on x-coordinate
sortedPoints = sortrows(points, 1);
% Initialize event queue and status structure
eventQueue = [];
status = [];
% Loop over the sorted points
for i = 1:size(sortedPoints, 1)
point = sortedPoints(i, :);
% If the current point is the left endpoint of a line segment
if point(3) == 'L'
% Add the segment to the status structure
status = [status; point];
% Check for potential intersections with neighbors
checkIntersections(status, size(status, 1), eventQueue, point(1));
% If the current point is the right endpoint of a line segment
elseif point(3) == 'R'
% Remove the segment from the status structure
status = status(status(:, 4) ~= point(4), :);
% Check for potential intersections between neighbors
checkIntersections(status, find(status(:, 4) == point(4), 1), eventQueue, point(1));
% If the current point is a vertical sweep line
elseif point(3) == 'V'
% Process potential intersection points
intersectionPoints = processIntersections(status, eventQueue);
function checkIntersections(status, lineIndex, eventQueue, x)
% Check for intersections between the line segment at lineIndex and its neighbors
if lineIndex > 1
intersectionPoint = computeIntersection(status(lineIndex, :), status(lineIndex-1, :), x);
if ~isempty(intersectionPoint)
eventQueue = [eventQueue; intersectionPoint];
if lineIndex < size(status, 1)
intersectionPoint = computeIntersection(status(lineIndex, :), status(lineIndex+1, :), x);
if ~isempty(intersectionPoint)
eventQueue = [eventQueue; intersectionPoint];
function intersectionPoints = processIntersections(status, eventQueue)
% Process the potential intersection points found in the event queue
intersectionPoints = [];
% Sort the event queue by y-coordinate
sortedEvents = sortrows(eventQueue, 2);
% Process each event in the queue
for i = 1:size(sortedEvents, 1)
event = sortedEvents(i, :);
% Update the status structure based on the event
if event(3) == 'I'
status(event(4), 5) = event(5);
elseif event(3) == 'E'
status(event(4), 6) = event(5);
% Find the intersection point
if ~isempty(status(status(:, 4) == event(4), 6))
x = event(1);
y = status(status(:, 4) == event(4), 6);
intersectionPoints = [intersectionPoints; x, y];
function intersectionPoint = computeIntersection(seg1, seg2, x)
% Compute the intersection point between seg1 and seg2
% Returns empty if no intersection exists
% Get the y-coordinates of the line segments
y1 = seg1(2) + (x - seg1(1)) * (seg1(5) - seg1(2)) / (seg1(4) - seg1(1));
y2 = seg2(2) + (x - seg2(1)) * (seg2(5) - seg2(2)) / (seg2(4) - seg2(1));
% Check if the line segments intersect
if (seg1(2) <= y2 && y2 <= seg1(5)) || (seg1(5) <= y2 && y2 <= seg1(2))
if (seg2(2) <= y1 && y1 <= seg2(5)) || (seg2(5) <= y1 && y1 <= seg2(2))
intersectionPoint = [x, y1, 'I', seg1(4), seg2(4)];
intersectionPoint = [];
% Example usage
points = [
1, 2, 'L', 1;
3, 4, 'L', 2;
2, 3, 'R', 1;
2, 4, 'V', 0
intersectionPoints = planeSweepAlgorithm(points);
Note that this implementation assumes line segments are not parallel and handles only the case of intersection points. Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to modify or enhance the algorithm accordingly.