derive v(t) when t = 20 in matlab

To derive v(t) when t = 20 in MATLAB, we need to solve a differential equation that involves v(t). We can do this using the ode45 function which solves initial value problems for ordinary differential equations.

First, we need to set up the differential equation. Let's say we have an equation of the form:

dv/dt = f(t, v)

where f(t, v) is some function of t and v that describes how v changes with respect to time. We also need an initial condition v0 = v(t0), where t0 is the initial time.

We can then use ode45 to solve this differential equation:

% define the differential equation
f = @(t, v) ... % define the function f(t, v)

% set initial conditions
t0 = ... % set the initial time
v0 = ... % set the initial velocity

% solve the differential equation
[t, v] = ode45(f, [t0, 20], v0); % solve from t0 to t = 20

% get the value of v at t = 20
v_at_t20 = v(end); % the last element of v corresponds to t = 20
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13 lines

In the code above, we define the differential equation as an anonymous function f. We also set the initial conditions t0 and v0. Then, we use ode45 to solve the differential equation from t0 to t = 20. The output of ode45 is the time vector t and the solution vector v.

Finally, we get the value of v at t = 20 by taking the last element of v. The result is stored in the variable v_at_t20.

gistlibby LogSnag