`matlab` code snippets in matlab

adjust uservalue while uservalue is less than 0 or greater than 80. if uservalue is greater than 80, then subtract 5 from uservalue. if uservalue is less than 0, then add 10 to uservalue in matlab
buy crypto in matlab
calculate drag coefficient of airplane in matlab
call my mom in matlab
card game in matlab
central difference approximation write a script which for a vector of increasingly smaller values of h computes approximations of f ′ (2) in matlab
code for w(t+1)=r+(1-f/v)w(t) in matlab
convert expression containing symbolic variables into double array. apply 'subs' function first to substitute values for variables. in matlab
create a for loop that assigns each count obtaned for each range %to each element of a new vector "z” made also of 7 elements in matlab
create a matlab function that takes a binary image as input and outputs the vertices of the point of each object closest to the center of the image in matlab
create a pid in matlab
create a tcp socket in matlab
create a working reimplementation of a decision tree classifier that doesnt use fitctree in matlab
derive v(t) in matlab
derive v(t) = 9.2 when t = 20 in matlab
derive v(t) when t = 20 in matlab
design the function function cm = classification_margin(x, t, map_func, theta) the function return a vector of the classification margins cm as the column vector in matlab
design the function function out = mse_vs_m(x_tr, t_tr, x_te, t_te) that uses all given samples in the split data sets in matlab
design the function function out = mse_vs_m(x_tr, t_tr, x_te, t_te) that uses all given samples in the split data setsand then computes the empirical 5 mse test loss in matlab
design the function function t_hat= perceptron_predict(x, map_func, theta). the function returns the perceptron output t_hat, as a column vector of hard predictions applied to inputs in matlab
design the function function t_hat= perceptron_predict(x, map_func, theta). the function returns the perceptron output t_hat, as a column vector of hard predictions applied to n inputs in matlab
design the function function tn= true_negative(sens, spec, prior) that calculates the probability of a negative test to be correct bayes in matlab
determine the probability of a d20 die landing an even number divisible by 4 in matlab
displacement from a video in matlab
display a gray scale image with three different colormaps as shown in figure 1. use the subplot routine and the imshow function. in matlab
error using writetable unsupported type 'char'. use writematrix instead in matlab
f(x) = 98x^4 + 9x^3 + 5x^2 - x + 25 using the forward, backward and centered difference approximation methods, calculate the third derivative of this function in matlab
find the diameter of a cuboid in matlab
find to find pieter levels girlfriend in matlab
for i in range(n): in matlab
fully connected layer 500 neurons in matlab
fully connected layer forward pass only with 5x5 weight matrix, 25x1 bias vector, and 25x2 input size in matlab
fully connected layer forward pass weight matrix shape 25x25, bias vector shape 1x25, input shape 25x1, batch size=2 in matlab
fully connected layer forward pass weight matrix shape 5x5, bias vector shape 1x25, input shape 25x2, batch size=2 in matlab in matlab
function that takes t as an array and the alloy name as a string and returns the thermal conductivity k as an array of the same size as t in matlab
function to call the gui to play x or o when i click a button in matlab
give the matlab command that lists all male names. hint: look up the strcmp function. in matlab
how to calculate aicc in matlab
how to calculate f-score,prediction and recall in matlab in matlab
how to calculate the elastic potential energy of an object in matlab
how to calculate the electrical potential energy of an object in matlab
how to calculate the f distribution in matlab
how to calculate the half life of a radioactive isotope in matlab
how to calculate the probability of a exponential distribution in matlab
how to calculate the studentized range distribution in matlab
how to differentiate v(t) = 9.2 when t = 20 in matlab
how to find an rbc model's steady state in matlab
how to loop a taylor series a certain amount of times in matlab
if norm([x y z])<1000 error('error: for near surface coordinates only'); end in matlab
if syield=0 display enter value greater than 0 in matlab
implement a matlab function that takes time , and as inputs and returns acceleration, , velocity, , and displacement, in matlab
implement a turing machine as a class in matlab
lists all names of subjects who have at least one trial with a response time value larger than 2.5 in matlab
load a picture of a mandrill in matlab
marathon, defines a method run(int a, int b), how would you call it for an instance of marathon named bob? in matlab
minmax tic-tac-toe full code in matlab
output shape fully connected layer with batch size=2, weights shape=25x25, bias shape=1x25, input shape=25x2 in matlab
parse an ini file and turn it into a struct in matlab
player vs ai tic-tac-toe game using minimax logic full code in matlab
plot a banana in matlab
plot a bar graph with 10 items in matlab
plot a cat in matlab
plot a christmas tree in matlab
robot = robot([pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2; pi/2]); in matlab
say something wise in matlab
set the second column from the left to the column number from an unlimited range in matlab
tracking a moving boundary in matlab
unction loss = loss_func(t_hat, t) that computes the empirical loss in matlab
using input form from user, use for and while loops for the number and the shape provided in matlab
using minimax, implement an ai to play tic-tac-toe optimally using matlab in matlab
v(t) = 9.2 when t = 20 in matlab
when the user submits 3 invalid entries ask to rerun the program in matlab in matlab
where when x<0 y=100, when x is between 0 and 50 y=2(x+200), when x is between 50 and 100 y= (3x-(x/20)+10) and when x is over 100 y=299 in matlab
which type of arrhythmia someone has in matlab
with image size of 512x512 and a threshold value of t and a starting position of x,y and a maximum region of 20 pixels generate code for a grow region in matlab
write a function for y(x)=(-0.2x^3+7x^2)e^-0.3x in matlab
write a function i = csimpson(f,h) that takes as inputs f an array of function values and h the distance between grid values and computes i the composite simpson’s approximation of the integral. in matlab
write a function to output bootstrap 2's css in matlab
write a function to return someone's ssh key in github in matlab
write a functioni = csimpson(f,h) that takes as inputs f an array of function values and h the distance between grid values and computes i the composite simpson’s approximation of the integral in matlab
write a functioni = csimpson(f,h)that takes as inputsfan array of functionvalues andhthe distance between grid values and computesithe compositesimpson’s approximation of the integral in matlab
write a recursive function rec_max(arr,n) to find the maximum of a given vector arr (of length n). don’t use the matlab function max. in matlab
write a script which will calculate the value of cos(x) (ask the user for the value of x and n) : ( ) ∑( ) = − − − = − + − = − n k k k k x x x x 1 2( 1) 1 2 4 2( 1)! in matlab
write code that shuffles a dataset for training in matlab
write sigmoid function for a dataset in matlab
write your own function myinvk(k) that computes the inverse of the calibration matrix without using the matlab function inv. in matlab
y=f(x) where x has different values. if x<0 y=sinx^2+ abs(x)-100*x; if 0<x<100, y=e^(x^2/pi); if x>100, y=log10(cos(x)). run the program for x=-3;23;180 in matlab

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