how to calculate the half life of a radioactive isotope in matlab

Here's some sample code that calculates the half-life of a radioactive isotope using matlab:

% Define the decay constant and initial amount of the isotope
lambda = 0.01; % decay constant (per year)
N0 = 1000; % initial amount

% Define the time range (years) and calculate the corresponding amounts
t = 0:0.1:100;
Nt = N0*exp(-lambda*t);

% Find the time at which the amount of the isotope has halved
half_Nt = N0/2;
[~,idx] = min(abs(Nt-half_Nt));
half_life = t(idx);
411 chars
15 lines

In this code, we first define the decay constant lambda and initial amount N0 of the isotope. We then define a time range t over which to calculate the corresponding amounts of the isotope (using the exponential decay equation).

Next, we find the time (in t) at which the amount of the isotope has halved by finding the minimum absolute difference between the calculated amounts (Nt) and half the initial amount (N0/2). Finally, we output the calculated half-life.

gistlibby LogSnag